Vacancy for Parish Councillor


Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

Brindley Village Ward


A vacancy has arisen for a Parish Councillor at Brindley Heath Parish Council.

Any local person interested in representing their community at grass roots level and contributing to decisions made on local issues, is invited to apply.

Please write to the Parish Clerk, Mrs T. Williams, at giving brief biographical details and reasons for wishing to join.

For more information about the work of the Parish Council please telephone Mrs Williams on 01543 503911 or contact any Brindley Heath Parish Councillor.


Eligibility Criteria for becoming a Councillor:

You have to be:

  • Over 18 years of age

  • A British citizen, a qualifying commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of any other member state of the European Union

  • On the Electoral Register for the council area for which you wish to stand

  • A local government elector of the parish; or a person who during the whole of the twelve months before nomination as a candidate occupied land or other premises as owner or tenant in the parish; or has, during the same period, resided in that area or within three miles thereof; or has during the same period, had a principal or only place of work in that area

You cannot become a councillor if you:

  • Are bankrupt and an Order or Interim Restriction Order has been imposed

  • Have, within five years of appointment to the council been convicted in the United kingdom of any offence and have had a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine

  • Work for the council where you are intending to stand for election (but you can work for other local authorities, including the principal authorities that represent the same area)

  • Have been convicted or reported guilty of a corrupt or illegal practice by an election court, or have been disqualified form standing for election to a local authority

Date:      24 February 2020                                                          

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