Council Meeting – 6 September 2011
Brindley Heath Council Meeting on 6 September 2011 at the White House, Marquis Drive, at 7:30pm
To receive apologies and accept reasons for absence
To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 July 2011
a. Notice Board
b. Grit Bins – Replacement of two smaller bins
c. Kingsley Wood Road – Changing designations from AONB to SSSI & SAC
d. Kingsley Wood Road – Blocked drains
e. Electoral Review of Staffordshire
f. Rugeley Quarry
g. Public Sector Mapping Agreement
h. Thank you messages to Mrs. Higgs and Councillor Mrs. Grice
i. Any other matters arising (for information)
a. To note incoming and outgoing correspondence
b. To receive details on items which are of particular interest and/or require a response:
i. Request for motions for debate at SPCA AGM on 5 November 2011 & Nomination for members of Executive Committee (both by 14 October 2011)
ii. Royal Horticultural Society – Britain in Bloom campaign
iii. Engaging Communities in Staffordshire – Staffordshire County Council
iv. Cannock Chase Country Park Management Update – Staffordshire County Council
v. Newsletters from Carl Ratcliffe, Chief Inspector, Cannock Chase District LPT
a. To note the comments made by the Parish Council’s Planning Committee on the following consultations:
CH/11/0184 Bentley Brook House, Rawnsley Road – Change of use of racing stables to general equestrian use. Letter dated 6 July 2011
CH.00/0577 Submission of details in compliance with clause 7.1.2 of S.106 legal agreement relating to ‘Revised Conservation Scheme ‘at Rugeley Quarry. Letter dated 14 July 2011
CH/11/0238 Cannock Chase Camping and Caravan Club – New caravan storage area, play area, site entrance & road resurfacing work, extension of opening season. Letter dated 22 August 2011
CH/11/0270 Swiss House Farm, Penkridge Bank – Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two storey 5 bedroom house
CH/11/0271 Holford Equestrian Centre, Cotswold Road, Hednesford – Replacement of telecommunications installation
CH/10/0424 Birchwood, Kingsley Wood Road – Part conversion of outbuildings into two holiday homes and storage area. PLANNING APPEAL. Letter to Planning Inspectorate dated 11 August 2011
b. To consider new planning applications:
None at present
c. To receive planning decisions made by the District/County Council:
CH/10/0390 Stafford Brook Stables
CH/11/0166 West Cannock Farm – Withdrawn
d. To receive updates on the following planning matters:
i. Birches Valley Visitor Centre – Tree removal
ii. Static Caravan, Penkridge Bank
iii. Visit to Silver Trees Holiday Park
iv. Land at Bow Street, Rugeley
e. Land at the junction of Penkridge Bank Road and Stafford Brook Road
To note forthcoming (external) meetings and to nominate Members to represent the Parish Council:
Rugeley & Brereton Community Forum – date brought forward from 8 to 6 September 2011 (for information only)
Launch of Staffordshire Community Fund on 30 September 2011
Staffordshire Parish Council’s Association – AGM on 5 November 2011
Community Council of Staffordshire – AGM on 28 September 2011
Staffordshire Playing Fields Association – AGM 19 October 2011
To share useful information:
a. Cannock Fire Station Tours 28 & 29 July 2011
b. Hednesford Community Forum – 5 September 2011
c. Any other information
a. Forest Concerts – To note the noise monitoring results from Cannock Chase Council
b. Future management of the Forest – To affirm the Council’s response to Aidan Burley’s request for views
To determine the Council’s future meeting dates for 2012 (first half of year)
Members of the public are invited to address the Council
a. Completion of Audit
b. To receive an update on the financial position of the Council (April 2011 to date)
c. New Bank Account with HSBC
d. To authorise cheques for payment
Tuesday 18 October 2011, Baptist Bible College at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Parish Councillors: P. Adams (Chairman)
K. Baker
D. Cotton
A. Pearson
J. Wilkes
CLERK: Mrs. T. Williams
The Chairman welcomed Councillor Pearson to the Council.
Prior to the start of the meeting at 7.00pm the Chairman of the Planning Control Committee, Councillor J. Kraujalis, joined members to share his knowledge and answer questions on Cannock Chase Council’s Planning Control process.
The ordinary meeting of the Council started at 8.10pm
Apologies were received from Councillor R. Turville and Councillor Mrs. Turville (absent for family reasons).
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 5 July 2011 were approved as a true record.
a) Notice Board
The notice board has been installed on the wall of the Tackeroo Club by Councillor Cotton.
There are four keys: two are being held by Geoff (the owner of the Club), and the other two by the Clerk, Trudy Williams.
Councillor Pearson offered to ask Geoff for one of his two keys so that it could be given to Bert Mason.
b) Grit Bins
Mark Keeling, Community Highways Liaison Officer has visited Kingsley Wood Road (on 6 September 2011) and confirmed that the two outstanding grit bins had been replaced. He said the Neighbourhood Highways Team would be checking and filling the bins within the next few weeks.
Mark also advised that the Neighbourhood Highways Team would be working in the Rugeley area for 12 days starting on 27 September 2011 and that he could accept jobs along the lines of sign cleaning, cutting overgrown greenery from signage/junctions, edging, walkway tidying etc.
The Clerk was asked to report two leaning road signs in Kingsley Wood Road at the junction with Stafford Brook Road, and also the overgrown bushes on both corners. A pot hole situated half way along the road (near Friars Cottage) would also be reported to the Highways Department (for a different workforce to deal with).
c) Kingsley Wood Road
It was noted that Jaclyn Lake of Natural England’s Midlands Land Management Team (Staffordshire) has confirmed that it could be a year or longer before she will be reviewing the boundaries of SSSI sites. She also advised that DEFRA has the main responsibility for SAC sites and no review is planned in the foreseeable future.
d) Kingsley Wood Road – Drainage problems
No further action is required on drainage at the present time, as all seems to be well.
The Chairman stated that householders who have septic tanks should be advised about recent changes to legislation. The Clerk was asked to obtain information on the details and responsibilities for householders, so that the Chairman could distribute it to those who need to know.
e) Electoral Review of Staffordshire
A letter has been received from the Boundary Commission (dated 25 July 2011) thanking the Council for sending its views (which have been published on its website). Consultation stage 3 has now closed and the final stage (four) will involve the Commission analysing the submissions and formulating final recommendations. The report will be published in the Autumn.
f) Rugeley Quarry
The Chairman said that he would arrange a visit for members to meet with the Quarry Manager during the week commencing 12 September 2011.
g) Public Sector Mapping Agreement
Following confirmation by Councillor Cotton that the terms and conditions were acceptable, Brindley Heath Parish Council has applied to become a member of the Public Sector Mapping Agreement and Ordnance Survey has confirmed acceptance. The ten year membership began on 21 July 2011.
A number of emails have been received from Ordnance Survey which has included general information and newsletters. These can be forwarded to any member who is interested in the mapping agreement and login details can be supplied for access to the membership area of the website.
h) Thank You Messages
Thank you messages have not yet been delivered to Mrs. Higgs and Councillor Mrs. Grice. Councillor Baker said that he would deliver both this week.
i) Other Matters
The Chairman reported that the noise from the V Festival at Weston Park was causing a disturbance 15 miles away at Brindley Heath, and that noise levels were very loud on the Saturday evening.
He also reported that he had been unsuccessful in making contact with South Staffordshire District Council (SSDC) and Virgin during the Concert. The Director from SSDC responded to his answer phone message after the event and stated that Brindley Heath was outside the designated range (a radius of six miles from the Park), for recognising and accepting noise nuisance complaints. However, the Chairman was assured that a contact name and phone number would be made available to members of the public during future events.
It was commented that if members of the public were unable to make contact with officials to state their objections to noise nuisance, complaints will not be logged and organisers will claim that no disturbance to residents occurred.
a) Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
All incoming and outgoing correspondence was noted from the Clerks Report. Copies of all items of post are available upon request.
b) Correspondence (Items of Specific Interest or Require a Response)
• Request for motions for debate at SPCA AGM on 5 November 2011 – None made
• Nomination of members to Executive Committee (final date is 14 October 2011) – None made
• Royal Horticultural Society – The benefits of the ‘Britain In Bloom’ initiative outlined in a letter dated 5 August 2011 were noted
• Engaging Communities in Staffordshire – A letter from Matthew Ellis, Cabinet Member of Adults’ Services Wellbeing, Staffordshire County council dated August 2011 was noted
• Cannock Chase Country Park Management Update – A letter from Sue Sheppard, Biodiversity Officer, Environment & Countryside, Staffordshire County Council dated 15 July 2011 was noted
• Newsletters from Carl Ratcliffe, Chief Inspector, Cannock Chase District LPT – Members (not on email) were informed of the newsletters issued to reassure the community that the force were monitoring the situation and doing all it could to safeguard Staffordshire during the time of the rioting.
• Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership – A letter dated 1 September 2011 stated that from this day, Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS is officially constituted as an independent NHS organisation.
Planning Comments Referred to the District Council, County Council and Planning Inspectorate (with delegated powers)
CH/11/0184 Bentley Brook House, Rawnsley Road, Hednesford
Change of use of racing stables, barns and adjoining furlong gallops to general equestrian use
Comments forwarded to the District Council in a letter dated 6 July 2011
CH.00/0577 & S.40018 D10 Submission of details in compliance with clause 7.1.2 of S.106 Legal agreement relating to ‘Revised Conservation Scheme’ at Rugeley Quarry
Comments forwarded to Staffordshire County Council in a letter dated 14 July 2011
CH/11/0238 Cannock Chase Camping and Caravan Club, Old Youth Hostel, Wandon, Rugeley
New caravan storage area, play area, site entrance & exit barrier, laying tarmac on existing stone road, and extension of opening season to between 16 February and 5 January the following year
Comments forwarded to the District Council in a letter dated 22 August 2011
Members were informed that the Case Officer, Mrs Faulkner had advised that the storage area element to the planning application had been withdrawn and that the case would be going to Planning Committee on 14 September 2011. It was decided that no further comments needed to be made.
CH/11/0270 Swiss House Farm, Penkridge Bank, Rugeley
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a two storey 5 bedroom house with a basement garage/gym
Comments forwarded to the District Council in a letter dated 1 September 2011
CH/11/0271 Holford Equestrian Centre, Cotswold Road, Hednesford
Replacement of existing telecommunications installation with a 20 metre high lattice tower with 3 antennas and associated equipment cabinets (resubmission of CH/11/0052)
Comments forwarded to the District Council in a letter dated 1 September 2011
CH/10/0424 Birchwood, Kingsley Wood Road, Rugeley *Planning Appeal*
Part conversion of outbuilding into two holiday homes and storage area. New roof on building (resubmission of CH/10/0240)
Comments forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate in a letter dated 11 August 2011
Resolved: To confirm all comments made by the Planning Committee in relation to the above applications.
Planning Applications Received
CH/11/0284 7 Forge Row, Rugeley
Rear dormer incorporating additional bedroom and bathroom in roof space
It was agreed that the plans would be circulated and comments referred to the Clerk by 20 September 2011
Councillor Cotton pointed out that once he has viewed new planning applications and consulted Councillor Wilkes, he delivers them to Councillor Baker, where they can be viewed by members of the Planning Committee living on this side of the Chase. The onus is on each member to make their own arrangements for viewing where required.
Planning Decisions made by District Council
CH/10/0390 Stafford Brook Stables
Approved (notification dated 13 July 2011)
CH/11/0166 West Cannock Farm
This application has been withdrawn by the applicant
Other Planning Issues
a) Birches Valley Car Park – On the Chairman’s request, a letter (dated 12 August 2011) has been referred to Mr. Aqbal, Development Control Manager asking him to consider a number of points about the resurfacing of the car park and removal of trees; and to stop the Forestry Commission from carrying out any further work on the area.
No response to the letter has been received to date.
b) Static Caravan, Penkridge Bank – The reason for the siting of the caravan is now understood.
c) Silver Trees Caravan Site – The Chairman, Councillor Adams will attempt to arrange a visit to the caravan site during the week commencing 12 September 2011.
d) Land in Bow Street, Rugeley (site of former play group) – The condition of the land doesn’t appear to have improved. An enquiry will be made with the District Council’s Estate Services Department.
e) Land at the junction of Penkridge Bank Road and Stafford Brook Road – It has been noted that a parcel of land on the eastern side of the junction between Penkridge Bank Road and Stafford Brook Road is to be the subject of a public auction in September 2011.
The views of Mr. Heminsley, Planning Services Manager have been sought (letter dated 12 August 2011) on the future development of the land. No response has been received as yet.
f) It has been noted that there is a quantity of debris and overgrown vegetation at the entrance to an approach road near to Sheepwash/Flaxley Green. An enquiry will be made with the District Council.
• Rugeley & Brereton Community Forum had been brought forward from 8 September 2011 to 6 September 2011.
• Launch of Staffordshire Community Fund on 30 September 2011 – No Parish Council representatives will be attending the launch and apologies will be forwarded to Cannock Chase Community Fund Steering Group.
• Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association, AGM on 5 November 2011 – Councillor Baker would usually attend SPCA events.
• Community Council of Staffordshire, AGM on 28 September 2011 – No representatives were nominated to attend.
• Staffordshire Playing Fields Association, AGM on 19 October 2011 – No representatives were nominated to attend.
a) Cannock Fire Station Tours on 28 & 29 July 2011 – No report
b) Hednesford Community Forum on 5 September 2011 – Councillor Pearson reported that there had been a spate of fires on the Chase during the school holidays which the police had taken on board. He also reported that there had been a number of incidents of criminal damage in the Hednesford area involving broken/smashed windows and lead thefts.
a) Forest Concerts
A report containing the noise readings taken by Cannock Chase Council on the evenings of the concerts (on 24 and 25 June 2011) were noted. Although levels and timings of the concerts were compliant with the code of practice and the premises licence conditions, there were some readings which were close to the limit.
The Parish Council will ask for this exercise to be repeated again during the concerts next year, and a request will be made to Environmental Services nearer the time.
b) Future Management of the Forest
A letter (dated 18 August 2011) has been received from Aiden Burley, MP inviting views on the future direction of forestry and woodland policy in England. An independent panel of Forestry has been set up by the Government to bring together interests and expertise covering environmental, social and economic aspects of forestry. A report is due in April 2012 and the Panel have offered a limited number of phone interviews to enable local stakeholders to contribute their views to the report. Comments were requested by 5 September 2011.
A response was forwarded to Mr. Burley in a letter dated 2 September 2011. The points made were as follows:
The Council has noted recently that a local group has been gathering signatures for a petition, which is the first time in many years that anyone apart from Brindley Heath Parish Council has raised concerns about our forest. The Council’s interest is in the protection of Cannock Chase and its passion and persistence has thwarted many attempts to commercialise the area.
Over the previous thirty years planning applications for all manner of anti social and inappropriate developments have been submitted by bodies such as the County Council, Forest Enterprises and developers for public houses, fun fairs, housing, night rally car racing and numerous others, which the Parish Council have successfully been able to see rejected.
The Parish Council’s policy has and will be for the foreseeable future, to keep the area of forest open to the majority of visitors and local residents who simply wish to walk and enjoy the peace, quiet and natural beauty of the surroundings.
The panel are urged to seek to impose strict restrictions on unsuitable development in forest areas in order to preserve nature and protect the natural landscape of the area for the majority. There must be restraint on expanding activities such as bike trails, paint balling and motor activities.
If the Panel is to achieve its prime objective of enhancing public benefits, then it must control development within the forest and encourage healthy activities for all. The Council would like to see planning legislation introduced to prevent any form of anti-social activity involving motor vehicles of any kind and also events/activities involving alcohol.
An email from Mr. Burley dated 6 September 2011 thanked the Council for its comments and confirmed that it had been put forward to speak directly to the Panel Secretariat.
Resolved: To confirm the Parish Councils comments on future forestry management; and to appoint the Chairman, Councillor Adams to speak by telephone to the Panel Secretariat.
Resolved: To approve the following Parish Council meeting dates for the first half of 2012:
17 January 2012
6 March 2012
17 April 2012
29 May 2012
No members of the public were present.
a) Completion of Audit for the financial year 2010/11
The Audit Commission has completed work on the 2010/11 audit and returned the certified Annual Return. The information supplied was in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to its attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.
On matters not affecting its opinion, the Audit Commission has drawn the following to the attention of the Council:
The balance in section 1, box 1 has been restated to adjust for a cheque for £105 which relates to 2009/10 but which was not presented.
The Clerk confirmed that a completed ‘Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Right to Inspect the Annual Return’ had been displayed on both Council notice boards for a period of at least 14 days.
Resolved: To note the Audit Commission’s certificate and report for the financial year 2010/11 and to confirm that no further action was necessary.
b) Update on Financial Position of the Council
Payments from April 2011 to the present date (set against the budget) were noted. The Council currently holds funds of £2942.97.
The latest bank statement (number 194) also states a balance of £2942.97 demonstrating that all payments have been presented.
Resolved: That the financial position of the Council is noted.
c) Banking Arrangements
A new community account has been opened with HSBC and the Finance Department at Cannock Chase Council has been given the details and informed that the Parish Council wish to receive the second precept instalment into the new account.
All seven members have signed the bank mandate as all will be signatories.
It was agreed that the five members not known to the bank would visit the Cannock branch with a passport or driving licence and a utility bill.
Resolved: To transfer the whole account balance from the Co-op account to the HSBC account by cheque.
d) Cheques for Payment
200017 Audit Commission fee for 2010/11 £60.00 Payment made on 25 July 2011
200018 Information Commissioner £35.00 Data Protection registration fee
200019 T. Williams – Salary July & August + expenses £335.22 Salary £162.71 (x2) + Postage £9.80
200020 Baptist Bible College £25.00
_______ Room Hire for meeting on 6 September 2011
TOTAL £455.22
Resolved: To authorise payment of the cheques listed.
Councillor Pearson asked about receiving contact from Slitting Mill Village Hall, following his appointment as Parish Council representative. The Clerk agreed to investigate how notice of meetings would be made.
The next meeting of the Council will be held on Tuesday 18 October 2011 at the Baptist Bible College,
Brindley Heath. The start time will be 7.30pm.
The meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.35p